P o l s k i e W i e ś c i

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Russia Hands Over to Poland More Documents on Smolensk Crash

Poland received from the Russian side, yesterday, some 3,900 pages of further documents on the investigation, run by the Interstate Aviation Committee (MAK), into the Polish presidential plane crash.

As the Russians have closed their investigation of the case this is the last part of documents to be passed to Poland.

Polish side is not satisfied with the set of data it received, with e.g. documents on procedures and functioning of Smolensk airport are lacking.

The files handed over to the Polish representatives by MAK on Monday include a technical manual and maintenance records of the TU-154 airplane.

Col. Edmund Klich, Polish representative in the investigation accredited to MAK says these are not all the documents that Polish experts asked for.

Another issue is that in spite of the fact that Poland has repeatedly called for tighter security at the crash site it turns out the wreckage of the TU 154 is neither protected nor even fenced off.

The Polish President Lech Kaczynski, his wife and other 94 Poland’s top officials were killed in the plane crash at Smolensk, western Russia, due to heavy fog 10 April 2010.

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