P o l s k i e W i e ś c i

Saturday, September 18, 2010

PGNiG Obtains Regulatory Approval for Gas Price Hike

Poland's energy regulator URE approved a 6.4% gas price hike for listed gas giant PGNiG effective from October 1, 2010, to March 31, 2011, URE announced in a press statement.

As the increase pertains only to the price of gas and not other elements of the tariff, gas bills for households will increase on average by only 2.5%, while the biggest recipients of high-methane gas will suffer a 6% hike, URE statement read.

"The amount of savings gained thanks to cutting the original motion by PGNiG is estimated at around 475 million zlotys," URE said of savings on the client side.

PGNiG had motioned for a 10% hike but was called on by the regulator to tone its demands down.

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