P o l s k i e W i e ś c i

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Poland’s national debt dangerously high

Poland’s national debt will be unexpectedly high this year at eight percent of the gross domestic product, the online edition of the news magazine Newsweek Polska reports.
Ultimately the taxpayers will have to pick up the tab, the magazine comments in disapproval:
“Those in power manipulate the data and withhold information. They consistently ignore the warnings of economists and ridicule [former finance minister Leszek] Balcerowicz and his debt barometer [set up in the centre of Warsaw showing Poland's national debt]. And we – who don’t like it when someone starts playing with matches in a warehouse full of fireworks – can’t do a thing about it. Not a single party is plausibly saying that such debt is unacceptable for the citizens, or presenting plans to limit it.”

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