From 1966 he lived in the USA. In 1949 Fangor exhibited his early portraits of Lenin and Einstein, among others. They were garish in colour and intentionally primitivist and brutalist in form. The Socialist Realist works from between 1950 and 1955 (e.g. Bricklayers, 1950, and Korean Mother, 1951) are monumental academic, programmatic paintings of a propagandist, poster-style character, occasionally featuring ambiguity and irony, as in Figures (1950). Fangor gained popularity as a poster designer, and when Socialist Realism went into decline he switched from programmatic simplifications to experimental simplicity (e.g. the street decorations for the 5th International Festival of Youth, Warsaw, 1955).

"Wojciech Fangor. Przestrzeń jako gra" w Muzeum Narodowym w Krakowie

Wojciech Fangor "Lenin w Poroninie"

Wojciech Fangor, Nogi, 1955 (fot. www.muzeum.krakow.pl)

"Postaci", 1950 r.

Matka Koreanka, olej/płótno, 1951 r.

Wojciech Fangor "Pieta" wg El Greco 1948r. olej na płótnie, wymiary 75 x 90 cm
"Budowa", 1949-1951, olej na płótnie, 50 x 100 cm, Muzeum Sztuki, Łódź

Wojciech Fangor "Martwa natura" 1953r. olej na płótnie, wymiary 66 x 73 cm
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