
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Miller : Lack of Documents from Russians Slows Down Smolensk Investigation

Interior Minister Jerzy Miller, who heads the Polish commission for investigation of the Polish president's plane crash at Smolensk, Russia, told reporters yesterday that Poland has not yet received from the Russian side significant documents concerning the case.

Miller said that several weeks ago he applied to the Russian for a list of documents that would help his commission to continue inquiry into the causes of Smolensk crash on April 10 which killed all 96 passengers including President Lech Kaczynski.

Also, Edmund Klich the head of the State Commission for Aircraft Accident Investigations in Poland has been corresponding with the Tatyana Anodina, head of the Interstate Aviation Committee in Russia, on the same subject, but so far no further documents have been released by the Russians.

“This is slowing the investigation progress down”, Miller admitted, adding however that “knowing complex procedures effective in the Russian Federation he sees it only as a procedural delay”.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk told journalists he had asked Minister Miller, to tell Moscow that Poland categorically asks for the transfer of the required documents.

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